Salvatore Vitale Rats on Luigi Manocchio
Salvatore Vitale Rats on Luigi Manocchio - Updated hourly by plugged-in parents from the blogosphere, Strollerderby tracks breaking parenting news, adding dynamic discussion and insightful commentary.
I’ve noticed something lately with regard to my 3-year-olds. They tattle on each other. And, to be honest, I’m not sure how I feel about it. Usually whatever I’m told is inconsequential and I respond with my standard line: “Don’t worry about him (or her). You just worry about yourself.”
But every now and then, the information I get pertains to a matter I’m glad I found out about. Whenever that happens, I can’t help but to feel conflicted. After all, had the tattler followed my standard line, I wouldn’t have found out about behavior which I’m eager to discourage.
Recently mobster Salvatore Vitale provided authorities with countless leads in a nationwide Mafia sting which led to several arrests, including Luigi Monocchio’s. And in so doing, he gave this father of four an idea pertaining to all this tattling.
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