Friday, March 18, 2011

Libya declare a ceasefire

Libya declare a ceasefire - Libya has declared "an immediate ceasefire", but has criticized the UN resolution, saying the use of military power would "violate" the UN charter.  Libya declared a ceasefire in the country to protect civilians and comply with a United Nations resolution passed overnight, Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa said Friday.

"We decided on an immediate ceasefire and on an immediate stop to all military operations," he told reporters.

"(Libya) takes great interest in protecting civilians," he said, adding that the country would also protect all foreigners and foreign assets in Libya.
Here's a summary of the statement from the Libyan government:
• Mousa Koussa, the Libyan foreign minister, announced that the country had decided on the ceasefire, and the "stoppage of all military operations" at a press conference in Tripoli.

• Koussa said the country has studied the UN resolution, and as a UN security council member will accept the resolution. He said Libya encourages the "opening of all dialogue channels" with the international community.

• Despite this, Koussa criticised the ruling, saying it was "unreasonable" that it allowed the use of military power. He said the use of military power would violate the UN charter and violate the sovereignty of Libya.

• He added that it would "increase the suffering of the Libyan people", while the freezing of Libya's assets would have a "very negative impact on normal Libyans". He expressed "sadness" towards the terms of the resolution.


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